Infolink Gazette Quarterly Report - Q1 2024

Picture of Rebecca Halifax
Posted by Rebecca Halifax


Quarterly Report - Q1 2024


Profit Warnings, HM Courts Filings,

and Initial Stage Winding Up Petitions.

New analysis from InfolinkGazette shows that following a levelling out towards the end of last year, profit warnings are on the rise again.

The number of Insolvencies continue to skyrocket.


Profits Warnings

Profit Warnings in Q1 2024 were up more than 20%, from 94 in Q4 2023 to 113 in Q1 2024.

However, compared to the same period last year (Q1 2023), Profit Warnings have reduced by 15% from 133.

When compared to the corresponding quarter, companies citing a material uncertainty or going concern have almost trebled, up from 11 in Q1 2023 to 30 in Q1 2024. 

A material uncertainty is a clear indicator of significant doubt around an entity's ability to continue as a going concern.

HMCourts Filings

The number of debtor-driven filings, 591 in Q4 2023, was up by more than 25% to a total of 744 in Q1 2024; an increase of over 20% when compared to 618 filings in Q1 2023.  The persistently upward trend is concerning, from 273 notices in Q1 2021, showing an increase of over 270% over a 3-year period.

As expected, we saw that Notices of Intention to Appoint an Administrator (323 in Q1 2023 vs 350 in Q1 2024) and Notice of Appointment to appoint an administrator (216 in Q1 2023 vs 285 in Q1 2024) make up the majority of notices filed. 

Initial Stage Winding Up Petitions

In Q4 2023 there were 1609 petitions. This number increased in Q1 2024 by 11%, to 1784. 

S. Kaler, Head of Data Operations at InfolinkGazette commented: 

HMRC remain the main driver of petitions being filed. While there has been an increase in the number of all other petitions being filed from 747 in Q4 2023 to 908 in Q1 2024, HMRC petitions have increased from 692 up to 810 in the same period. In Q1 2022, 10% of all Winding Up Petitions were brought by HMRC, and that figure increased to nearly 30% by the end of 2022. We've seen it continue to rise to 45% in Q1 2024.” 


InfolinkGazette collates this information and provides it to our clients as soon as it is available.  For more information visit our product page: or write to us at:


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